Total Quality Management System an assemblage of occupational progressions dedicated to unswervingly meet customer requests and enhance their product usage experience associates with an organization's determination and strategic direction, set to expresses the goals and aspirations, policies, processes, documented information and resources needed to implement and sustain. Fundamentally quality management system emphasizes on the anticipated outcomes of the product manufacture line by making use of simple statistics supplemented by random sampling. As technology advanced making lot of changes and improvements in quality management processes, the emphasis moved to group collaboration and other technical dynamics, indicating a persistent development cycle. Nowadays quality management systems have a tendency to converge with relevant initiatives as both stakeholder and consumer satisfaction with perceived quality that is increasingly secured to certain critical factors.
The concept of quality management systems however can be overviewed as the routine that a set of goods made from start to finish by the team of people getting to more advanced levels by tweaking to meet quality criteria. When it comes to the matter of customer satisfaction and developing high end user friendly software applications, Xsosys technology (S) Pte Ltd, a pioneer in the development of customised applications whether objective, web or other specialised mobile apps, is a well-known name in around Singapore. Having rendered valuable services in the IT sector to very well reputed clientele Xsosys has the honour of being one of the most sought after companies in Singapore as far as development of customised software applications are concerned. Taking up the project whether big or small, from the scratch to the successful implementation has been the consistent and reliable action for Xsosys. With a dynamic team of well qualified and equally experienced professionals Xsosys has always been eager to give its clientele better services and applications. Serving to its fullest level in the software application sector with its amazing innovation and a magnificent creativity Xsosys has undoubtedly been a marvellous innovator.
The conception of the TQMS was not an accidental instance but a well thought meticulously developed idea that was intended to ease out the cumbersome processes in the analysis and inference of the quality management procedure which was mostly done manually in most of the places. The manual processes then involved the regular maintenance of records that were to be re assessed and sometimes copied to another set of books or files that again had to be scrutinised before making a final approved copy. This in turn had to be advanced to various sections, where the work completion report or such similar reports would get approved by the concerned, and once again the whole process would start in reverse order to reach the concerned departments for various scheduled formalities. This process would obviously take a long time and involvement of more manpower and work force plus repeated procedures that would hamper the routine main work which otherwise would have taken place instead. In order to overcome this lengthy process the invention of TQMS took place. The TQMS as the name suggests is a real “Total Quality Management System” that simplifies the elaborate process into very simple and manageable schedule. Thereby reducing the number of workers required to assess the job to a single authorised person. In place of carrying the record books that were previously needed to assessthe job, the supervisor simply carries a hand-held device which comprises of the necessary TQMS application, and inputs the required data into it which gets processed in seconds into a well organised and a neatly compiled job report ready to be sent to any department for further actions accordingly.