There are sometimes instances where an emergency arises and the team has to be issued an urgent work order, in such cases the TQMS urgent work order facility comes in handy. The administrator or the authorised person can issue emergency work orders along with a properly planned schedule.
Likewise in case of any defective works are noticed in the work location the users can immediately report to the concerned authority to rectify the defect or issue orders accordingly. The user once again will have to go to the particular section of the app and select the location and the corresponding area and the defect that has been observed.
The user will have to only check the type of defect that has been observed and click on the send button to forward the message to the desired section of the cleaning company. Likewise in case of any defective area of the building is observed which may prove to be hazardous then the same can be forwarded to the owner for necessary action to be taken in such cases.
In case of urgent works orders like, the emergency cleaning of a specific area because of the arrival of any important guest or any other VIP in a short notice of time, then such orders can be forwarded to the concerned location and area supervisor who in turn can issue orders accordingly to carry out the necessary actions. However although these kinds of instances are not common the facility to carry out such actions have been incorporated with a forethought.
So in a simpler sense the TQMS is such a system that has an integrated facility to handle emergency situations like in case of issuance of emergency or urgent work orders that may be unpredicted in a daily schedule, so that such unexpected works may also be carried out with utmost efficiency and ease. The same way although defects in works are not a common issue the TQMS has a integration to handle such situations as well. In which case the TQMS can be considered as a versatile equipment which not only is handy but also an all in one system virtually at your fingertips. The generated reports are once again available in flexible formats like pdf and xls, for individual convenience.