It is really a pleasure to acknowledge the TQMS as one of the unique and best quality management software designed and developed by Xsosys. It has eased out the cumbersome manual works in the day to day cleaning activities to a great extent.
The TQMS is really a boon to the cleaning contractors and the agencies. It makes real sense in incorporating this amazing software into the system since it reduces the hassles of the cleaning processes and the paper works involved in it
This amazing system when incorporated into the system gives you incredible results; it takes care of the manual maintenance of records and forwarding of the reports. All these are totally automated making the cleaning process hassle free.
A unique creation from one of the creative IT genius. It automates the entire cleaning and scheduling process with ease and lessens the burden of manual record maintaining works which is simply marvellous.
I fully recommend the use of the TQMS to anyone who happens to be in the cleaning sector contracting. It not only reduces the cumbersome manual record maintaining but also takes care of reporting as per the needs of the situations on site or otherwise. Totally a fully-fledged and useful application.