As the name itself says the system manages all the issues regarding the sensors that are installed in the washroom, or in other words hygiene facility. Beginning with the ammonia sensor, and ending with the door counters the TQMS has the facility to record and assess the performance of each of the contraptions. Ammonia sensor works on electrochemical principle used for measuring the partial pressure of gases under atmospheric conditions. The ambient air being monitored diffuses through a membrane into the liquid electrolyte in the sensor.
The electrolyte contains a measuring electrode, a counter-electrode and a reference electrode. An electronic potentiostatic circuit ensures a constant electrical voltage between the measuring electrode and reference electrode. Voltage, electrolyte and electrode material are selected to suit the gas being monitored so that it is transformed electrochemically on the measuring electrode and a current flows through the sensor. This current is proportional to the gas concentration. At the same time, oxygen from the ambient air reacts at the counter-electrode electrochemically.
The current flowing through the sensor is amplified electronically, digitized and corrected for several parameters like the ambient temperature and so on. The resulting measured value is given as an analog signal which depicts the amount of ammonia in the atmosphere in the given area. The TQMS analyses the amount of the gas present in the area and suggest the relative measures to counter act in case the content of the gas is above permissible levels. Likewise a logically generated report is forwarded to the concerned in a convenient format. A typical ionization chamber consists of two electrically charged plates and a radioactive source for ionizing the air between the plates.
The radioactive source emits particles that collide with the air molecules and dislodge their electrons. As the molecules lose electrons, they become positively charged ions. As other molecules gain electrons, they become negatively charged ions. Equal numbers of positive and negative ions are created. The positively charged ions are attracted to the negatively charged electrical plate, while the negatively charged ions are attracted to the positively charged plate. This creates a small ionization current that can be measured by electronic circuitry connected to the plates. The reduction in the ionized particles results in a decrease in the chamber current that is sensed by electronic circuitry monitoring the chamber.
When the current is reduced by a predetermined amount, a threshold is crossed and an alarm condition is established and the smoke alarm is triggered. The TQMS also has a door counter sensor performance analyser so that the number of in and out of visitors can be accurately recorded. On may feel that are these modules necessary in a TQMS? The answer is a positive yes…! Because the number of in and out visitors at a given period of time is very much required to consistently monitor the frequency of cleaning that is required. So the TQMS collectively analyses the statistics about the ammonia levels, the smoke levels and the number of in and out of visitors, and then decides the frequency of cleaning required and the intensity of the cleaning process required and generates a report based on the parameters that are previously set. With the help of this report the supervisors or the other authorised persons of the cleaning company, schedule the work and see that the specified area is thoroughly cleaned as per the analysis and the area is maintained as per the specified norms.